Although invisible the wind does more than you realise. It helps to cool us on a hot sunny day, power the sails of our boats, fly our children's kites and help the beautiful flowers of our garden grow. But did you know it can also improve our world’s security by helping to protect its beauty and enhance the quality of air we breathe when used as the power source for homes and businesses.
Electricity generated by wind turbines won’t pollute the air we breathe like other energy sources - that means a greener planet with less acid rain, less smog, and fewer greenhouse gas emissions. In the United States power plants are the largest stationary source of air pollution, releasing millions of tons of sulphur dioxide, carbon dioxide and nitrous oxides each year. These are the pollutants believed to be the main cause of global warming. By running a single 1-MW wind turbine we can displace an amazing 2,000 tons of carbon dioxide in one year. That is the equivalent of planting one square mile of forest.
Because the fuel(wind) is free, the price of wind energy will be remain stable long-term for power production. In the U.S. wind farms are generating electricity for less than 5 cents per kilowatt, a price that is more than competitive with new coal or gas fired power plants. What's more the cost is expected to continue falling as the technology progresses and the market for this source increases.. |
Growing with an average annual rate of over 20%, it has been the world’s fastest growing renewable energy source for more than a decade. In 2008, the United States had there best ever year by increasing their generating capability by 50%. With more than 25,170 MW of wind energy capacity set up in the U.S. today, wind power can produce enough to power more than 7 million average U.S. households. This according to the American Wind Energy Association, is a fraction of what they could be providing. Wind energy in the U.S. could supply as much as 10,777 billion kWh annually - more than twice the electricity generated at the moment in the U.S.
As one of the planets natural sources, the wind is available in plentiful amounts and won’t drain our world’s natural resources. Wind energy can have massive benefits for society. Wind energy reduces the costs associated with air pollution because the source is from clean energy, thus reducing both healthcare and environmental costs. The low operational costs and short construction times lead to low cost clean energy, both quicker and more
expediently than more conventional power plants.
Wind projects keep more money within the communities where the projects are located by providing a steady income from lease payments to the landowners. Wind projects also pay considerable property taxes and state taxes each year and create several local jobs. Wind is a stable source, unlike oil, as it is not affected by international conflicts or restrictions, making it impervious to supply problems or price fluctuations.
Wind energy systems are unlike other power plants, as the systems require nominal maintenance and have low operating costs. Wind turbines are extremely reliable and are able to generate electricity 99% of the time. This is on a par with other generating sources and plants.
– Adapted from information provided by the American Wind Energy Association, Global Wind 2008 Report and Renewable Energy, Vermont.