Energy Yield Predictions
Energy yield analysis tailored to your requirements, from measure-correlate-predict, basic wind shelter and shear profile calibrations through to full 3D landform flow studies using both in-house and third party finite volume, Large Eddy Simulation software. Data output can be provided in a range of GIS and graphical formats.
The final results from our analysis are the most likely average annual energy yield (P50) and the associated uncertainties based on years of Windfarm Industry experience. We are able to suggest the most probable impact on energy yield of removing significant wind shelters such as forested areas, change in vegetation, new buildings or tree growth.
Wind Measurement is able to import the energy yield analysis into a full financial model to calculate the net present value of your wind project once planning permission has been obtained. The report is due diligence ready for your preferred bank and investors, accounting for their stated investor hurdle rate, investment period and acceptable uncertainty.